Tuesday, December 31, 2013
December's BarkBox
Happy Tuesday!
I think I broke a rule and posted on Tuesday...oh well! The year is coming to a close and it is really hard to blog... This will probably be my last post this year!
Monday, December 30, 2013
Claire's Mini-Haul
Happy Monday!
I know it is not Christmas anymore...but I think it should ALWAYS be Christmas! I am celebrating every day because I am blessed.
So...while putting up our Christmas lights this year... I wore my favorite holiday earrings--a pair of Christmas ornaments! During set up...I lost one and because really sad... I went to Claire's hoping to replace them and I ended up walking out with more than I expected!
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Black Friday - EM Cosmetics
Happy Sunday!
I went Black Friday shopping last month...more like online shopping. EM Cosmetics had a BOGO sale! So basically...it was 50% off store wide. I bought myself 2 life palettes and 2 lip galleries.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
December's Ipsy Bag
Happy Saturday!
I took a week long break...preparing things for Christmas and Animate Miami. AH! So busy that I almost FORGOT about my Ipsy bag!
Be a Bombshell,
cheek stain,
eyeshadow trio,
Girl Crush,
him and her,
Lip pencil,
nail color,
nicka k,
pop beauty,
red rose,
Friday, December 27, 2013
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Black Friday Haul!
Happy Wednesday!
So...during Thanksgiving break, I did a LITTLE bit of shopping. The day after turkey day is (in)famous for deals and steals--mainly limited supplies of electronics. I think the Microsoft Surface and Samsung TVs were the best deals out there!
Anyways...I did some hauls. Mainly online because after lining up quite a few years...I have come to terms that I will almost always never get the thing I want and people turn into animals at the stores.
Black Friday,
Cyber Monday,
Dream Box,
em cosmetics,
Gym Bag,
michelle phan,
Nail Polish,
Peace Love World,
Small Business Saturday,
Monday, December 16, 2013
NOTD: Essie Good as Gold
Happy Monday!!
You can probably guess what I have to share today... It is another polish! I polish collection is growing so fast. I will take a decent picture of it all sooner or later...haha.
Friday, December 13, 2013
SnK Project: Update
Happy Friday!!!
I did not realize it has been more than a month since my last Shingeki update...so here it is! Long over due.
Monday, December 9, 2013
EM Cosmetics Haul
Happy Monday!
In my last Ipsy bag, I received a 30% off coupon for EM cosmetics. I was waiting for some kind of promotion for a while...I cannot justify buying make up from a starting company that charges premium price at full price. Just, no.
So I picked up some things I have been eyeing. Check it out!
black knight,
classic lipstick,
dewy glow lip gallery,
em cosmetics,
michelle phan,
mood enhancer,
rose gold,
sunshine yellow,
the great cover up,
Friday, December 6, 2013
Clarisonic Aria
Happy Friday!
So... right before Thanksgiving, I purchased a Clarisonic. I have been contemplating about buying one for the past two years. I heard so many good things about it--clearer skin, less acne, less dark spots, exfoliating, etc. I needed to see for myself, BUT it is SO EXPENSIVE.
As you can see, I caved in and bought one. I purchased the Aria with 3 speed settings because of a few reasons... I actually intended to buy the Mia2.
Face Wash,
mia 2,
sensitive brush
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
NOTD: Lots of Lux
Happy Wednesday!
SO. I found a polish that I NEED to share with you!!! It's a gorgeous color for the Winter!
holiday gift ideas,
Lots of Lux,
Nail Polish,
Monday, December 2, 2013
NOTD: Essie E-Nuf is E-Nuf
Happy Monday!
Whoa, it's December already! The year really flew by for me... It scares me. Anyways, I picked up a nail polish not too long ago. It was random...usually I know I want a polish or love the color, but this time I just bought because I had a few coupons with me. (I love couponing...it feels great saving money!!)
Friday, November 29, 2013
November's BarkBox
Happy Friday!
Also, HAPPY THANKSGIVING! We had lunch at our home yesterday with friends. It was great! Homecooking and Honey Baked Ham...what more can I ask for??? Pictures to come...hopefully!
I received my monthly BarkBox a few weeks ago. Yay! There were lots of goodies inside and one in particular my puppy LOVES.
Bocce's Bakery,
dental stick,
duck chew,
etta say's,
happy howie's,
pearly whites,
pet play,
Truffle Mac and Cheese,
turkey sausage,
vanilla mint,
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Operation Christmas Child
Happy Wednesday!
I hope everyone is doing well. So...you must be wondering what that logo above is about. For the past month (about), my Church worked on packing shoe boxes for children in developing and third world countries with toys, toiletries, and school supplies in accordance to Samaritan's Purse's Operation Christmas Child. I wanted to share this with you because it is a awesome ministry that brings people together and gives us a chance to share what we have been blessed with.
Friday, November 22, 2013
November's Ipsy Bag
Happy Friday!
My Ipsy bag has arrived! I am really excited to receive mine this month because it includes an EM product (Michelle Phan's makeup line). Let's check it out!!!
caviar cocktail,
em cosmetics,
False Lashes,
Ipsy Bag,
lip crayon,
michelle phan,
Pixi Beauty,
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
NOTD: Revlon Nail Art Moon Dust
Happy Wednesday!
This must be a crime...TWO NOTD in a week!?! I must be going crazy! Actually, I've been under the weather so there's only so much I can review. Doctor's orders--lots of fluid and bed rest. He even offered to write me a note for school. I was super flattered...haha. Unfortunately, college professors don't give a flying hoot!
Anyways, onwards to the polish!
Monday, November 18, 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Top Paw Product Reviews
Happy Wednesday!
So a couple of months ago, I bought some stuff for my car to transport my babies around. Oh, that's Mocha (mixed terrier)! We adopted her earlier this year. Isn't she a cutie???
Bench Cover,
Seat Cover,
Top Paw
Monday, November 11, 2013
October's BarkBox
Happy Monday!
So it is clearly NOT October anymore. Sorry! I have been swamped with exams and got the Flu. :( The past three weeks have been pretty rough. BUT, my puppy was sure happy to see that his BarkBox got renewed!!! It cost me a pretty penny...but he really likes the stuff inside.
Monday, October 21, 2013
October's Ipsy Bag
Happy Monday!
My Ipsy Bag came in last week. It was MUCH larger than usual. I was a little scared that the hair spray exploded! Let's check out the goodies.
Bella Terra,
Cleanser Wipes,
Coastal Scents,
Ipsy Bag,
La Fresh,
Nail Polish,
sexy hair,
Shadow Brush,
Spray Clay,
The Lace Is On,
Friday, October 18, 2013
NOTD: Essie The Lace is On
Happy Friday!
It must be a crime to post two NOTDs back to back... But everytime I go to CVS, I end up walking out with a polish!
Nail Polish,
The Lace Is On
Monday, October 14, 2013
NOTD: Essie No Place Like Chrome
Happy Monday!
How are you? I'm fantastic. A little on a caffeine-high, but that's okay. I want to share with you today a polish that I love. Yes, LOVE!
Friday, October 11, 2013
Makeup Haul
Happy Friday!
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Tweezerman Mini Haul
Happy Wednesday!
I have been meaning to get a new tweezers for a while now. (The one I use was something I found lying around...) Luckily, I recently lent my old one out and it never returned. Prefect! I have also been looking for a new curler for a while... I own two Shiseido curlers and neither have been kind to my lashes...
Monday, September 30, 2013
September's Ipsy Bag
Happy Monday!
I received my Ipsy bag pretty late into the month. I received 5 products total. This bag isn't my favorite...but there are some highlights!
Friday, September 27, 2013
Michael Todd Haul
Happy Friday!
So last month, my Ipsy bag included a Michael Todd product. I heard from several beauty gurus on YouTube that they liked their products. Likewise, I really enjoyed the Jojoba Charcoal Facial Scrub sample I received! I could not help myself...I took advantage of the 30% off coupon code and purchased some products I was eyeing!!! I cannot wait to share them with you!
Heads up...this is a lengthy and comprehensive review. Please feel free to skip around!!! Or just look at pictures.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
NOTD: Essie Where's My Chauffeur
Happy Wednesday!
This week's nail color is something blue... No, not sad. It actually makes me really happy!
Friday, September 20, 2013
September's BarkBox
Happy Friday!
I cannot believe it has been six months since I started blogging! And I know this because...this is my sixth and final BarkBox. I only paid for half a year because it was part of a discount and I wanted to try the service out. There were a couple of misses, but the hits outweigh them!
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
NOTD: Essie Watermelon
Happy Wednesday!
The past few weeks have been really crazy, so I had no time to write anything! During my absence, I worked on large scale project, started classes, and got an infection. See, CRAZY. However, I found time to stop by my local drug store to pick up nail polish... I'm kind of addicted to it. Haha.
Nail Polish,
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Sephora Mini-Haul
Happy Wednesday!
I bought a few things from Sephora last week because of the goodies I could redeem! I love rewards for being a loyal shopper.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
August's BarkBox
Happy Wednesday!
My BarkBox arrived last week. It was pretty small...I was preparing myself for disappointment again. BUT I was delightfully surprised!
Friday, August 23, 2013
August's Ipsy Bag
Happy Friday!
This month's Ipsy bag is not only pretty, but packed with goodies! I am so happy Ipsy stepped up and included so many great items.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Shingeki no Kyojin (SnK) - Work In Progress (WIP)
Happy Wednesday!
I have been working on my SnK project for 4.5 weeks now. Actually...it's really 2 weeks because I took breaks and went on vacation.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Oliver Peoples
Happy Monday!
Who else likes sunglasses? I do! I cannot live without them in Miami...well I don't exactly need them during hurricane season, but accessories do make an outfit! While in Las Vegas, I stopped at Oliver Peoples. I wasn't looking to buy sunglasses, but I ended up walking out with two...
Oliver Peoples,
Friday, August 16, 2013
Las Vegas
Happy Friday!
I just came back from a short vacation to Las Vegas, Nevada. It was a 3 night and 4 day trip. Like any other trip, I checked the forecast for the weekend to help me pack...the average highs were in the 100F!!! I was floored because I had gone around the same time of the year before and it was much cooler.
I just wanted to share with you some parts of my vacation...warning, there will be lots of food pictures!!
Hubert Keller,
Las Vegas,
Society Cafe,
The Buffet,
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
July's Ipsy Bag
Happy Wednesday!
Last month I almost didn't get my Ipsy bag because my credit card on file had expired! I realized two weeks into the month and changed it as soon as I could. Within minutes, Ipsy charged my card and let me know my bag was on its way. YAY! Thank you Ipsy for the excellent customer service. I think they have come a looong way with pleasing their clients. Because of this...I might just continue to subscribe!
Monday, July 29, 2013
NOTD: Butter London's Thames
Happy Monday!
Last week, a good friend of mine gifted me a Butter London Backstage Basics!!! I was sooo happy and excited because I had just removed my nail polish that week (see post: NOTD). The set included:
- Nail Foundation Flawless Base Coat
- Hardwear P.D. Quick Top Coat
- Powder Room Baby Powder Scent Acetone-Free Lacquer Remover
- 3 Free Nail Lacquer-Vernis in Thames
- Butter London Nail File
Friday, July 26, 2013
July's BarkBox
Happy Friday!
It's that time of the month again...BarkBox! This month's box was chubbier than usual, which got me super excited. (I associate larger boxes with more stuff...hehe.) This month's theme is cooling down from summer.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Shingeki no Kyojin

About a month ago...I was browsing around on Facebook and found a really eye catching drawing (as seen above). I instantly perked up because it clearly is an anime/manga that I have never seen before. I followed the tag #ShingekinoKyojin and BAM. Thanks to this drawing, I am not only caught up in the anime world...I am pretty obsessed! (
Friday, July 12, 2013
Supercon 2013
Last Friday, I got the chance to attend Florida Supercon for the FIRST TIME! It was a last minute decision (bought tickets last Monday...). I had many friends going and they were expecting me to go too! I wish I had taken pictures, but I was cosplaying... But let me share my Supercon experience with you.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Simple Sensitive Skin Care Review
Happy Friday!
A few weeks ago, there was a coupon in my local newspaper for Simple Sensitive Skin Experts. It was a "buy one, get one" offer. I have been interested in trying their products out for a while, so I figured what better time!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
June's BarkBox
Happy Wednesday!
I received my BarkBox last week. Honestly, I forgot about it completely. Surprises can be fun (sometimes)! This month's theme seems to be summer BBQ. Let's check it out!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Favorite App for June
Happy Monday!
If you haven't guessed yet...I want to share with you my favorite app for the month of June! I am a very picky person when it comes to apps. I love 'cute' apps that give my home screen personality, if that makes any sense. But I also like apps that are straight forward and clean. I absolutely hate apps that promote so many other things and constantly bug you! Who has time for that? My favorite app for the month is actually a game. Since I enjoy challenges, the classics Tetris and Bejeweled were instant favorites; however, over the years I really got bored of it. Even the popular Candy Crush Saga wasn't enticing enough for me. (It also lagged like crazy on my phone...dislike!)
Despicable Me,
Minion Dash,
Friday, June 21, 2013
Lip Color of the Day (LOTD)
Happy Friday!
As of late, I have been wearing a lot of lipstick. A lot. I used to hate it! It smelled funny and tasted weird. (Long story short...
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
June's Ipsy Bag
Happy Wednesday!
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend with their fathers. Instead of celebrating with my dad, I spent it with my Gramps and Uncle--two of the most extraordinary men in my life! PDA (public display of affection) isn't very big in my family, so we kept it simple with dinner outside of home. Anyone else's family like that?
Anyways...I received my June Ipsy bag this week. Not a fan of leopard, but the bag is excellent quality! I'm impressed, Ipsy!
Eye Shadow,
False Lashes,
J.Cat Beauty,
Lip Liner,
Friday, June 14, 2013
Nails of the Day (NOTD)
This week I have been rocking a nail trend that has been around for a while now--Sally Hansen Salon Effects. Last year, my friend gifted me a couple of Salon Effects for my birthday. (Love her!) I was a little nervous about using it... Will it feel like I taped something on my nail? Is it easy to apply? Will there be extras in case I messed up?!? I finally got around to trying it...
Monday, June 10, 2013
Honey Lemon Tea
Happy Monday!
For the past week, I've been suffering from a dry and sore throat. It's painful! I find myself waking up in the middle of the night looking for water because my throat starts to close on me. (I should see a doctor but......) Instead of relying too much of medicine, I like to look for simple home remedies. Today, I will be sharing with you one of my favorites--Honey Lemon Tea!
Green Tea,
Honey Lemon Tea,
Sore Throat,
Friday, June 7, 2013
Fashion Friday // Saks Fifth Avenue
Happy Friday!
Recently I have been browsing around for dresses. Just like shoes, a girl can never have enough! (Just kidding. :P) Today, I'll be sharing with you some of my picks from Saks Fifth Avenue. It's a bit pricey, but a girl can dream! Let's get started.
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