Monday, July 29, 2013

NOTD: Butter London's Thames

Happy Monday!

Last week, a good friend of mine gifted me a Butter London Backstage Basics!!! I was sooo happy and excited because I had just removed my nail polish that week (see post: NOTD). The set included:

  • Nail Foundation Flawless Base Coat
  • Hardwear P.D. Quick Top Coat
  • Powder Room Baby Powder Scent Acetone-Free Lacquer Remover
  • 3 Free Nail Lacquer-Vernis in Thames
  • Butter London Nail File

It came in a black box with each item displayed in its own cutout. I am a fan of simple packaging because I believe consumers pay too much already for product packages...why should be pay more for a fancy box!? Unless it's reusable...then I don't mind as much. 

My first thought when I saw Thames was...boy it looks a lot like Essie's Trophy Wife, which I have already. As you can see above, they are in fact...very different. Essie has a blue-ish tint to it and looks more sea green. Butter is a rich emerald color (Pantone color of the year, btw). That was a relief because I'd hate to own two polishes that are exactly alike!

I first applied the base coat to my nail, of course...must protect those puppies! It caught me off guard because it was a matte texture. Whoa! I never used matte polishes before. I have to say, it was really cool. It looks like I have nothing on my nail even though the color in the bottle is sand-beige. Loving the base coat already!

Next I applied two coats of the color. One coat was not opaque enough, like every other polish. I also applied the top coat (forgot to take a picture in between). Although...I do believe you can forego the top coat because the lacquer is already shiny enough, a top coat won't hurt because it protects the color from chipping. I have been wearing it for almost a week now and so far the color has not budged! 

Application-wise, it's like the name--butter. It goes on smooth and has a great consistency. I also appreciate the fact that it's 3 free. I didn't get the chance to use the nail file yet, but I can imagine it works just like any other. It has a curved shape, so it should be easier to guide it along the nail for a polished finish.

Lastly, the Powder Room Polish Remover smells exactly like baby powder. It's crazy! However, the residue it leaves on my nail and finger is weird. It's almost like oil from fast food chicken wings...ew! Notice that it is also labeled as 'acetone-free.' In place of acetone, Butter London uses Methyl Acetate. That means, no bitter after taste (if you like to lick your fingers) and no strong chemical smell. I realize that some people also think 'acetone-free' means acetone is dangerous...

It is true that acetate is a less irritating counterpart to acetone (stronger smell); however, it does not mean that acetone dangerous! Acetone is actually a natural by-product produced in our bodies when we metabolize (break-down) fat. Acetone can be absorbed through the skin, but there is really no adverse effect...unless you take a bath in it, which I can see why you would anyways. Also, if you ever decide to put yourself in a sealed room with acetone or drink it, then you may have serious health problems. 

I can tell you from experience after working in labs for 4 years, I am healthy. (Acetone is commonly used to clean lab equipment because it is an excellent solvent and evaporates quickly.) Moreover, acetone works a lot quicker than most acetone-free removers. It can dry out your cuticles, but moisturizer can fix that. So...if you are sensitive to fumes, acetone-free may be a better option. Personally, I use nail polish remover products with acetone.

Have you tried Butter London? Let me know in the comments down below! I'm also curious to know what nail polish remover you guys use...acetone...acetone-free...vegan?? Until next time!

<3 Debbie

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